法國CONECO皺褶衣 短上衣KA-0101
法國CONECO皺褶衣 短上衣KA-0101
日茂國際開發有限公司自成立以來,,從早期的日系淑女服飾到與法國品牌CONECO EVANE的第一次接觸,〝迷人、魅力〞的服裝情緒,一直是我們秉持著經營理念. 因先前建立的良好合作關係,在1995年正式取得法國品牌CONECO公司在亞洲區的獨家品牌授權製造及總代理,同年設計研發團隊生產技術更趨成熟穩定,推出全系列的壓摺服裝-CONECO PLEATS以簡約線條,精緻剪裁,舒適質感,塑造穿衣者獨一無二的個人時尚風格。 【商品介紹】 ??? 壓褶衣是經過高溫處理,除靜電、防塵,殺菌的安心商品,而壓褶衣可塑性高,適 用的場所,時間廣泛,並有良好的透氣性,無負擔,所以身體有大幅動作,也不會 感到拘束,是一件舒適良好處理的衣物。
??? 壓褶衣是依照摺紙工藝藝術所剪裁而成,上下一體成型,講求人體工學的原理. 當壓褶衣在穿著期初時,有菱有角為正常現象,穿著一段時間後,人體的體溫會 使壓褶衣有延展性,使衣物延著身體的曲線服貼,富豪傳奇,且具有修飾體型的效果。
Since the foundation of R-MAO International Development Co., Ltd., from Japanese series of Lady Fashion Clothes to the French brand “CONECO EVANE”, “Charming” & “Fascination” always conduct our development.
Based on the long terms relationship on co-oporation, we obtain the sole authorized manufacturing right and the Exclusive Agent of CONECO EVANE, the brand of France in 1995. The same year, our design team increased their fabulous idea and technique. We introduced the whole series of Coneco Pleats clothes to the market. Simple lines, exquisite sewing and comfortable quality become one-of-a-kind individual fashion style.
Do not iron or steam press as the finish of the fabric is not designed to withstand heat. Do not used detergents that contain bleach when washing while and light color. The design of the product does not allow the sleeves or the hem to be altered.
法國CONECO皺褶衣 短上衣KA-0101